Many individuals are beginning to learn that blogging can be a fantastic way for individuals to start earning cash on the web because they can monetize the site however they want. One thing that men and women have trouble with when they choose to start a blog is trying to determine if they should generate their own blog or they should use one of the free services that are available. Something you should be aware of with regards to the free blog in platforms that are available is some are a waste if you are trying to make cash while other individuals may be profitable. If you are one of the individuals who want to start your own blog we are going to be discussing a number of the options you have in this post.
Typically the most popular site that enables you to generate a blog is Word Press and we are going to take a peek at that platform first. As you can imagine simply because this is free it makes it very popular, and you are also going to find that Google loves this website so that can help you generate traffic. Obviously one of the main drawbacks of making use of this platform is that Word Press can end up canceling your blog at any time for any reason they want. This is typically done when individuals end up advertising affiliate links or try to take visitors from word press and send it to another web site.
Quite a lot of you have most likely already heard of Blogger and you are going to also discover that this is actually a blogging platform that's owned by Google. Additionally you don't have to be that worried about your account being deleted simply because Google is a lot more liberal with regards to people making use of their platform. They don't mind individuals making use of their platform for promoting affiliate programs and they also make it very easy for you to add AdSense ads directly on your blogs. One thing you ought to bear in mind is that from time to time Google will wind up deleting blogs, but simply because this is very seldom you are going to discover that this is a good option.
Why Should I Host My Own Blog?
For individuals who decide to purchase a domain name and set up your own blog on your own internet site, you are not going to have to worry about being at the mercy of anybody canceling your accounts. You're also going to discover that you'll have much more freedom when it comes to adding particular plug in's that helps make your blog get noticed. You're additionally going to have many more options in relation to choosing a theme for your blog because you will be able to upload any theme you want.
Then when it comes down to it you will discover that free blog and platforms are OK, but hosting your own blog will provide you with many more options. When you put in plenty of work setting up your blog and adding content the last thing you want is to have this blog canceled or perhaps deleted by the service you're using, and that's why your own blog is your best option.
If you would like help in hosting your own blog, please see the options available to you here at Don's Tech Hub.